author: @Demian


Fibonacci Example 2

回顾 Example-1 里的 Table:

在 example-1 中有一些问题:

  • 重复单元格太多,每次需要将 2 个单元格从上一行复制到下一行,效率不高
  • 更好的解决方案:使用 Rotation 来访问多行是个更好的方案



在本例子中, 代码将更加紧凑和模块化, 以下是一些主要的区别 :

Advice Columns:

  • ex 1 :
    • 用了 3 个 advice columns:col_a, col_bcol_c,表的的第一行用来存储 Fibonacci 序列的连续的 3 个数
  • ex 2:
    • 仅使用了一个 advice column,并依赖 Rotation(轮转, 即 )来访问连续的行,减少了各种复制
fn main() {
// example-1
pub fn configure(.., advice: [Column<Advice>; 3], ..) {
    let col_i = advice[ii];	
    meta.enable_equality(col_i); // 很多列需要声明 和 需要 enable...

    meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
        let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
        let a = meta.query_advice(col_a, Rotation::cur()); //📢
        let b = meta.query_advice(col_b, Rotation::cur()); //📢
        let c = meta.query_advice(col_c, Rotation::cur()); //📢
    vec![s * (a + b - c)]


// example-2
pub fn configure(.., advice: Column<Advice>, ..) {
    let col_i = advice[ii];	

	// Gen Custom Gate:
	meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
		// advice | selector
		//   a    |   s
		//   b    |
		//   c    |
		let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
		let a = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::cur());
		let b = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::next());
		let c = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation(2));
		vec![s * (a + b - c)]
  • Rotation::cur() 当前行
  • Rotation::next() 下一行
  • Rotation(2) 再下一行

The Polynomial Identity:


  • ex 1: 初始的 Fibonacci 数 ab 被赋值到两个不同的 advice columns,而他们的和则被赋值到第三个 column。
  • ex 2: 所有的 Fibonacci 数都在同一个 advice column,但在不同的行 (thanks to rotation)
fn main() {
////  Example 2  ////
pub fn assign(
	mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
	nrows: usize,  // 前 2 列赋值之后, 后面要搞的列数.. 
) -> Result<ACell<F>, Error> {
		|| "entire fibonacci table",
		|mut region| {
			// 为前两行启用 selector, 这意味着我们将从 instance (public input) 列中复制 Fibo 序列的前 2 个数字
			self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, 0)?;
			self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, 1)?;
			// assign_advice_from_instance 方法,将 instance (public input) 列的前 2 个值
			//   (即 Fibonacci 序列的前两个数字)赋给 advice 列中的前 2 个单元格
			//   后面在 MockProver 中, 我们会传入 instance 作为 Public input
			let mut a_cell = region.assign_advice_from_instance(
				|| "1",
				0,  // instance column's row 0
				0, // 复制到当前的 region 的 row 0

			let mut b_cell = region.assign_advice_from_instance(
				|| "1",
				1, // instance column's row 1
				1,  // 复制到当前的 region 的 row 1

            /// .....

生成的 Fibonacci 数:

  • ex 1: 使用方法 assign_row 从前两个数生成下一个数。
  • ex 2: 使用一个循环在整个 Fibonacci 表格中为所有的数赋值。
fn main() {
////  Example 2  ////
pub fn assign(..., nrows){

    /// .....

	// 赋值好了前 2 行(递归基), 其余的行就累加过去就好了
	for row in 2..nrows { // 对于最后两行, 不需要启用 Selector
		if row < nrows - 2 {
			self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, row)?;

		let c_cell = region.assign_advice(
			|| "advice",
			|| a_cell.0.value().copied() + b_cell.0.value(),

		a_cell = b_cell; // let mut a_cell ...
		b_cell = c_cell;

	Ok(b_cell) // return the last cell.


如下 instance , 里面是 Public input

fn main() {
fn test_example2() {
	let k = 4;

	let a = Fp::from(1); // F[0]
	let b = Fp::from(1); // F[1]
	let out = Fp::from(55); // F[9]

	let circuit = MyCircuit(PhantomData);

	let mut public_input = vec![a, b, out];

	let prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_input.clone()]).unwrap();

	public_input[2] += Fp::one();
	let _prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_input]).unwrap();
	// uncomment the following line and the assert will fail
	// _prover.assert_satisfied();

change k from 13 to 4, the line will be smaller so now you are not calim about the main function

  • the MockProver will tell you constrains that
  • the png will tell you a    constraint you have ignored !


cargo test -- --nocapture fibonacci::example1

# Draw
cargo test --release --all-features plot_fibo1
  • the white column is the instance column,
  • the pink one is the advice and
  • the purple one is the selector.
  • the green part shows the cells that have been assigned
    • light green : selector not used.

Reference :

—— 中文版本结束 ——

Example 2

Recap Table in Example-1 :

the problem we noticed like inside example-1 is that there are basically

  • too many duplicate cells , so every time you need copy two cells from previous row to next row , not efficient
  • better solution : Use rotation to access to the multiple rows.

在本例子中, 代码将更加紧凑和模块化, 以下是一些主要的区别 :

Advice Columns:

  • ex 1 :
    • 用了 3 个 advice columns:col_a, col_bcol_c,这 3 个 columns 的第一行用来存储 Fibonacci 序列的连续的 3 个数
    • configure() 在 3 个 advice columns 中为每一个需启用 enable_equality,并为每一个都建立了门约束。
  • ex 2:
    • 仅使用了一个 advice column,并依赖 rotation(轮转, 即 )来访问连续的数, 减少了各种复制
fn main() {
// example-1
pub fn configure(
	.., advice: [Column<Advice>; 3], .. 
    let col_i = advice[ii];	
    meta.enable_equality(col_i); // 很多列需要声明, 需要 enable...

    meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
        let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
        let a = meta.query_advice(col_a, Rotation::cur()); //📢
        let b = meta.query_advice(col_b, Rotation::cur()); //📢
        let c = meta.query_advice(col_c, Rotation::cur()); //📢



// example-2
pub fn configure(  
	.., advice: Column<Advice>, .. 
    meta.enable_equality(advice); //所有 advice 列只在此 enable once.

    meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
        let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
        let a = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::cur()); //💡
        let b = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::next());//💡
        let c = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation(2));}    //💡
  • Rotation::cur() 当前行
  • Rotation::next() 下一行
  • Rotation(2) 再下一行

The Polynomial Identity :

  1. 数据赋值:
    • ex 1: 初始的 Fibonacci 数 ab 被赋值到两个不同的 advice columns,而他们的和则被赋值到第三个 column。
    • ex 2: 所有的 Fibonacci 数都在同一个 advice column,但在不同的行 (thanks to rotation)
fn main() {
////  Example 2  ////
pub fn assign(..., nrows){
  layouter.assign_region("entire fibonacci table",
    |mut region| {
    // 为前两行启用 selector,这意味着我们将从 instance 列(可能是公共输入)
    // 中复制 Fibonacci 序列的前 2 个数字
    self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, 0)?;
    self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, 1)?;

    // assign_advice_from_instance 方法,将 instance 列的前两个值
	//   (即 Fibonacci 序列的前两个数字)赋给 advice 列中的前两个单元格
	//   后面在 MockProver 中, 我们会传入 instance 作为 Public input
	let mut a_cell = region.assign_advice_from_instance(
		|| "1",
		0,  // row
	let mut b_cell = region.assign_advice_from_instance(
		|| "1",
		1,  // 这里写 0 也不报错, 写 1/2/3 就会报错了..
		1,  // row
	// 赋值好了前 2 行(递归基) ,其余的行就累加过去就好了
	for row in 2..nrows {
		if row < nrows - 2 {
			self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, row)?;

		let c_cell = region.assign_advice(
			|| "advice",
			|| a_cell.value().copied() + b_cell.value(),

		a_cell = b_cell;
		b_cell = c_cell;

  1. 生成的 Fibonacci 数:
    • Version 1: 使用方法 assign_row 从前两个数生成下一个数。
    • Version 2: 使用一个循环在整个 Fibonacci 表格中为所有的数赋值。
fn main() {
////  Example 2  ////
pub fn assign(..., nrows){
	// 赋值好了前 2 行(递归基) ,其余的行就累加过去就好了
	for row in 2..nrows {
		if row < nrows - 2 {
			self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, row)?;

		let c_cell = region.assign_advice(
			|| "advice",
			|| a_cell.value().copied() + b_cell.value(),

		a_cell = b_cell;
		b_cell = c_cell;


如下 instance , 里面是 Public input

fn main() {
fn test_example2() {
	let k = 4;

	let a = Fp::from(1); // F[0]
	let b = Fp::from(1); // F[1]
	let out = Fp::from(55); // F[9]

	let circuit = MyCircuit(PhantomData);

	let mut public_input = vec![a, b, out];

	let prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_input.clone()]).unwrap();

	public_input[2] += Fp::one();
	let _prover = MockProver::run(k, &circuit, vec![public_input]).unwrap();
	// uncomment the following line and the assert will fail
	// _prover.assert_satisfied();


  • the white column is the instance column,
  • the pink one is the advice and
  • the purple one is the selector.
  • the green part shows the cells that have been assigned
    • light green : selector not used.
cargo test --all-features -- --nocapture print

change k from 13 to 4, the line will be more small so now you are not calim about the main function .

  • the MockProver will tell you constrains that ,
  • the png will tell you a    constraint you have ignored !

Row & Column in Region

Compared example-1 with example-2 :

fn main() {
meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
	// col_a | col_b | col_c | selector
	//   a      b        c       s
	let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
	let a = meta.query_advice(col_a, Rotation::cur());
	let b = meta.query_advice(col_b, Rotation::cur());
	let c = meta.query_advice(col_c, Rotation::cur());
	vec![s * (a + b - c)]


meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
	// advice | selector
	//   a    |   s
	//   b    |
	//   c    |
	let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
	let a = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::cur());
	let b = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation::next());
	let c = meta.query_advice(advice, Rotation(2));
	vec![s * (a + b - c)] 

We see :

  • col_a / col_b / col_c represent different
  • Rotation::cur() / Rotation::next() / Rotation::prev() / Rotation(2) represent different
cargo test -- --nocapture fibonacci::example2

References :