
Wordle:是一个猜词游戏,玩家试图猜测一个 5 个字母的单词。每当玩家猜一个单词时,游戏会告诉玩家哪些字母是正确的(用绿色表示),哪些字母在单词中但位置不对(用黄色表示),以及哪些字母不在单词中(用灰色表示)


在某些时候,作者与一些朋友交流他们解出的 Wordle 网格:

然而,这些表情符表格有一个致命缺陷:玩家可以在游戏结束后编辑他们的网格,让自己看起来比原来聪明得多。我总是怀疑我的朋友们是否真的得到了他们声称的分数!快使用 zk-snark!1

在 Zordle 中,在解决了当天的 Wordle 问题后,用户还会为其表格和 Guess word 生成一个 ZK Proof,证明他们知道与他们共享的一组表情符号框完全对应的一组单词!(In Zordle, after solving the day’s Wordle, a user additionally generates a ZK proof attesting that they know the set of words that perfectly correspond to a set of emoji boxes that they’re sharing!)

BUILD & user flow

  • Generate Proof takes about 1 min
  • Verify Proof takes about 20s
  • Then user can check the proof on chain (IPFS)
  • And anyone can verify it

cargo test -- --nocapture test_wordle_1
# Draw
cargo test --release --all-features print_wordle

Inspect ZK Proof:

  • URL(onchain): https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWuSo5ivAXm8M7Mi7hPW5WHFXZ55Vjt651Cw6reL1VM9w
  • When Access the URL, which is a JSON file stored on IPFS :
    109,177,255,176,116,185,157,128,237,146,45,233, ... ,
    247,208,138,100,48,148,37,223,95,80,14,64,239,78, ... , 
    // The proof is very long ,...,

Copy URL to clipboard ↗️ :

# 👆🏻 with this url, anyone can validate the ZKP proof to ensure that the individual possesses the correct solution, without actually knowing the answer to the Wordle.

Circuit inputs

Public inputs

  1. The solution word
  2. The grid of boxes of 6 words x 5 slots (one for each letter): each cell in the grid is either green, yellow or grey
    • : the letter is in the same relative position as the letter in Solution
    • : the letter is in Solution but the wrong relative position
    • : wrong letter, not in the solution.


1. solution word: 

2. grid of boxes of 6 words x 5 slots

Private inputs

  • 6 words of 5 letters each (6 个单词,每个单词 5 个字母)

我们注意到:Wordle 的 inputs 结构使得每个 guess(猜测) 都完全独立于 others - 如果一个猜测本身有效,那么在游戏中也总是有效,反之亦然。这表明电路的一种清晰结构是:make an individual region for each guess.

对于这种每个 guess 一个 region 的构建中,让我们考虑每个 guess 需要哪些检查:

考虑 该 guess 的 grid 🟥🟥🟩🟨🟩 和 word: “lover”

  1. The guess 必须是一个 5 个字母的英语单词 (LOOKUP)
  2. 如果格子上的位置是绿色 🟩,则 guess word 相应位置的字母必须与 solution 的字母匹配
  3. 如果格子是黄色 🟨,类似的检查也会进行
  4. 如果格子不是绿色、黄色,猜测相应位置的字母不能与解答的字母匹配

lookup table Versus R1CS

通常,在 R1CS 电路中,对于存在性证明(比如 Nullifier 的 commitment),需要使用 Merkle Proof 来检查 guess word 是否为字典真实存在的单词:创建一个所有单词(12000+)的 Merkle 树,然后 witness the Merkle path of your guess in the tree。

然而,在 PLONK/Halo 2 中,可以使用查找表!虽然以这种方式使用查找表不是特别高效(因为您的电路现在将具有 12000+ 行),but it is a cool way ..

build demo


  1. generate params files like params.bin (like verification_key / proving_key …)
  2. use your wordle answer to generate proof.
  3. verify the proof you generated.

1. create a proof.bin

Firstly, we need to manually create a proof.bin file ourselves, otherwise the $ cargo run command will report an error.

cd circuits
touch proof.bin

2. generate public params

$ cargo test -- --nocapture test_wordle_1
$ cargo run 
write  #  take ~3 min to generate `params.bin` and `diffs_json.bin`,

# Welcome to zk wordle!
# Enter play to play the game, verify to check a proof, or write to generate a new # # params file
# write

3. gen proof (if guessed)

$ cargo run 
play  # correct input : fluff
Welcome to zk wordle!
Enter play to play the game, verify to check a proof, or write to generate a new params file
Enter a word:
Enter a word:

Enter a word:
Enter a word:

// ... many rounds...
Enter a word:
You win! Generating ZK proof...
Successfully generated witness
Successfully generated proving key
Successfully wrote proof to proof.bin
Verifying proof for final word fluff
Share Sheet:
Proof OK!

# or You lose! and exit.

verify proof

Then we acn verify

# verification takes about 15s, 1GB Memory
Welcome to zk wordle!
Enter play to play the game, verify to check a proof, or write to generate a new params file
Verifying proof for final word fluff
Share Sheet:
Proof OK!

在我找到了正确答案并生成 proof 的过程中,如果我强制退出 generate_proof 程序,在验证时:

Verifying proof for final word fluff
Share Sheet:
Proof not OK!

会出现奇怪的 sheet,且 verification 不通过,原因不明



files directory & Code explanation

$ tree show the code structure :

fn main() {
├── lib.rs
├── main.rs // play(gen prove-prove_play) verify  write_params
├── wasm.rs 
├── wordle
│   ├── wordle
│   │   ├── dict.json  // 12972 个英文单词, 如 “white”
│   │   ├── dict.rs    // [738547, 742032, ..., 760311, 760617, 760805 ..
│   │   ├── is_zero.rs // IsZeroChip
│   │   ├── table.rs   // Lookup table, 将 12972 个 5 字母 word 放入查找表
│   │   └── utils.rs   // word_to_chars, compute_diff..
│   └── wordle.rs
└── wordle.rs  // pub mod wordle;

Lookup table - table.rs

lol perhaps best thought LOOKUP table of as a giant fixed set(constant set) instead of a circuit table column.

作用: 将 12972 个 5-letter words 加载到 LOOKUP 查找表里。

这些 words 的形式类似: vec![738547, 742032, ... , 760311, 760617, 760805,...

fn main() {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Dict {
  words: Vec<String>,
impl<F: PrimeField> DictTableConfig<F> {
  pub(super) fn load(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter<F>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // 12972 个 5-letter words, like [783431, 2149761, 11454874]..
    let mut words = get_dict(); 

      || "load dictionary-check table",
      |mut table| {
        let mut offset = 0;
        for word in words.iter() {
            || "num_bits",
            || Value::known(F::from(word.clone() as u64)),
          offset += 1; 


wordle/wordle/dict.rs :

fn main() {
pub fn get_dict() -> Vec<u32> {
    vec![738547, 742032, 747019, 747397, 756988, 
    756996, 756998, 757006, 757094, 757220, 757293, 
    757310, 757456, 757459, 757462, 757485, 757626, 
    757789, 757890, 757905, 757911, 758196, 758732,
    760306, 760311, 760617, 760805, 760863, 763240,
    763749, 763792, 766300, 766314, 766315, 766316,
    766609, 767239, ........

wordle/wordle/dict.json : ``

fn main() {
{"words": [
    // ....
    // ....
    // ....


fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// A range-constrained value in the circuit produced by the RangeCheckConfig.
struct RangeConstrained<F: PrimeField>(AssignedCell<Assigned<F>, F>);
Constraints (custom gate)

如上图,在 Custom gate 编写电路约束时,会为每一个 Guess word 在 region 里分配如上图这样一个布局。

  • 本轮 Guess word 是 $\textcolor{green}{f}\textcolor{orange}{u}nky$
  • Solution(final_word) 是 $fluff$
  • 电路会去计算 & 约束各种配置 …
assign to region
fn main() {
/// ......
// make an individual region for each guess.
for i in 0..WORD_LEN {
	// guess word, provided by the user. place on the row-0
	region.assign_advice(|| "input word characters", self.chars[i], 0, || chars[i])?;
	// solution word, provided by the user. place on the row-1
	region.assign_advice_from_instance(|| "final word characters",
		self.final_word_chars_instance, i, self.chars[i], 1)?;
	// diff_green: if guess[i] matches solution[i], then diff_green is 0, Otherwise is the distance between 2 chars
	region.assign_advice(|| "diff_green", self.chars[i], 2, || diffs_green[i])?;
	// diff_yellow: if guess[i] ∈ solution, then diff_yellow is 0, Otherwise is the distance multiplication
	region.assign_advice(|| "diff_yellow", self.chars[i], 3, || diffs_yellow[i])?;
/// ......


fn main() {
pub struct WordleCircuit<F: PrimeField> {
    pub poly_words: [Value<Assigned<F>>; WORD_COUNT],
    pub word_chars: [[Value<Assigned<F>>; WORD_LEN]; WORD_COUNT],
    pub word_diffs_green: [[Value<F>; WORD_LEN]; WORD_COUNT],
    pub word_diffs_yellow: [[Value<F>; WORD_LEN]; WORD_COUNT],

impl<F: PrimeField> Circuit<F> for WordleCircuit<F>{
    fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self { .. }
    fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config { .. }
    fn synthesize(
        config: Self::Config,
        mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        config.table.load(&mut layouter)?;

        for idx in 0..WORD_COUNT {
            // println!("idx {:?} diffs_green: {:?}", idx, self.word_diffs_green[idx]);
                layouter.namespace(|| format!("word {}", idx)),


Circuit :


Why Rotation(-2)?就具体在这个 wordle 电路里面,你试着理解和推理下,为什么要使用 Rotation(-2)

在给出的 WordCheckConfig 电路配置中,Rotation(-2) 被用于几个地方。这些用途都与字符差异和颜色判断有关。让我们深入挖掘并理解它的具体用途。

  1. 字符差异检查
    当比较Wordle中的字符以确定绿色和黄色的匹配时,我们通常会查看所猜测的单词与实际的目标单词之间的字符差异。Rotation(-2) 似乎被用于访问电路中早期的某个位置,该位置可能包含前一个单词或猜测的单词。

let char = meta.query_advice(chars[i], Rotation(-2));

  1. 颜色为零检查
    代码中的 Rotation(-2) 也被用于与颜色检查相关的部分。在Wordle中,字符可能是绿色、黄色或灰色。灰色表示字符不在目标单词中。绿色表示字符位置正确,而黄色表示字符存在但位置不对。Rotation(-2) 可能被用来查询前一个猜测中的字符颜色或与之相关的其他信息。

let diff_color_is_zero = meta.query_advice(chars[i], Rotation(-2));

通过这两点,我们可以推测为什么使用 Rotation(-2)

电路的每一行可能代表一个字符位置的不同状态或检查。在检查猜测与实际单词之间的匹配时,电路需要对照早先的行(可能是前一个猜测或前两个状态)。这就是为什么需要查询 Rotation(-2):它代表与当前字符或状态相对的早先的状态或检查。

具体地,这里的 Rotation(-2) 可能表示查询与当前字符位置前两个位置或状态相关的数据,这有助于确定字符的正确性、颜色或其他属性。



Ignore the minor technical detail that they can always just cheat by looking up the day’s word elsewhere. 😅