- Prerequisite
- The Halo2 Book:
- 0xPARC: Halo2 Learning Group
- StarLi 星想法
- 知乎小白专栏:
- DoraHacks
- Code
- libs:
- Others :
The Halo2 Book:
0xPARC: Halo2 Learning Group
- Official : https://learn.0xparc.org/halo2/
- https://github.com/icemelon/halo2-tutorial/
- Introduction 8.21
2. Halo2 API & Building a Basic Fibonacci Circuit (Part 1)
- https://github.com/icemelon/halo2-examples (Haicheng’s Code)
- https://github.com/enricobottazzi/halo2-fibonacci-ex 整理了 0XPARC 课上的 QA ! and Example2 Example 3 …
- https://github.com/therealyingtong/halo2-hope code reference
- https://github.com/jasonmorton/halo2-examples/blob/master/src/range_check/example1b.rs Jason Morton 超详细注释 line by line
- https://github.com/enricobottazzi/halo2-intro
Fibonacci Circuits cont. + Basic Halo2 gadgets
Jason Morton Code missed Haicheng’s
Jason Morton Code missed Haicheng’s
StarLi 星想法
- 01 - Halo2入门基础介绍 StarLI-Trapdoor
- 02 - Halo2 深入理解Permutation & Lookup算法
- 03 - Halo2协议基础及介绍 25’ 左右对整体协议的介绍
04 - Halo2电路进阶 (sha256 优化实现)
- 如何实现 (mod ) 加法 ?
(有些 代码很 make sense ) 值得再看
05 - Halo2源代码导读
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VerLN8-tqetKs1Hv6m4KLg
- Halo2 开发常见错误 (Custom Gate)
- 零知识证明原理及区块链应用分享
- Plookup 原理详解 扩展到multiple tables 部分 make sense, 但是公式太不清晰了, 可以重新回头看
- Halo2: Lookup argument 主要是 halo2 book 的 Proving System 部分的讲解, zero knowledge 部分很 make sense, 值得再读
- Halo2:原理剖析 简易大纲
- V神如何巧妙讲解
- 零知识证明:Halo2解读 乏善可陈…
Halo2 Tutorial Intro
- 提供了 ECDSA / 等 gadgets , 值得再读 …
- 提供了 Range check 等 gadgets , 值得再读 …
- Develop Circuits Using Halo 2 对 ZCash 的 Tutorial , 图解非常好, 搭配 ZCash 的翻译一起看
- Building a Zero Knowledge web app with Halo 2 and Wasm (part 1) Very Goods!
- zordle 讲解清晰!
- Awesome HALO2
- halo2 tutorial From HaiCheng Shen 沈海诚 code
- https://github.com/Divide-By-0/halo2-learning-group
- More Optimized ECC Operations in halo2 by Axiom
axiom libs.
- SY: We just open sourced a library of base components including range check here: https://github.com/axiom-crypto/halo2-lib/blob/main/halo2-base/src/gates/range.rs
- https://axiom-crypto.github.io/halo2-lib/halo2_base/gates/range/trait.RangeInstructions.html#tymethod.is_less_than
- This uses halo2-lib: https://github.com/axiom-crypto/halo2-lib
- YT: it looks like the axiom fork does variable-length Poseidon (https://github.com/axiom-crypto/halo2/tree/main/primitives/poseidon):
- ECDSA: https://github.com/axiom-crypto/halo2-lib/blob/main/halo2-ecc/src/secp256k1/tests/ecdsa.rs
Others :
- Deep dive on Halo2
- ZKSwap 团队详细解读——Halo2 原理
- Zero knowledge 2 Zero knowledge
- EF grants halo2 Out of date.
- YouTube Series :
- Sin7Y Tech Review: Develop Circuits Using Halo 2
论文: BCH19 Recursive proof composition without a trusted Setup